The Benefits of Open Plan Offices: Is it Right for Your Office Refit?
The Benefits of Open Plan Offices: Is it Right for Your Office Refit?
Open plan offices have become increasingly popular in recent years due to the many benefits they offer. These types of offices are designed to encourage collaboration and teamwork by removing physical barriers between employees. However, they are not the right choice for all businesses. Here we explore the benefits of open plan offices and help you determine if it is the right fit for your office refit.

Encourages Collaboration

With an open plan office, employees are not limited by walls and cubicles. They can easily communicate with each other, share ideas and collaborate on projects. This leads to better teamwork and more efficient problem-solving. Open plan offices also foster a stronger sense of community and create a more social atmosphere, which can lead to increased job satisfaction and lower levels of absenteeism.

Better Use of Space

Open plan offices can be more efficient in the use of space compared to traditional offices with cubicles and enclosed offices. An open plan layout can accommodate more employees in the same space, which can save on rent costs. Also, open plan offices are more flexible in terms of rearrangement or expansion, which can allow businesses to adapt to changing needs and trends.

Encourages Informal Communication

Informal communication is essential for business success, and an open plan office encourages it. With more space for interaction, employees are more likely to have conversations that might not have happened in a traditionally structured office. This creates a more relaxed environment, which can lead to a better sense of work-life balance.

Improved Lighting

One of the biggest advantages of open plan offices is that they offer more natural light. This is because there are no walls to block the windows, and the open space allows light to reach more areas of the office. This can improve the overall health and well-being of employees and lead to increased productivity, as studies have shown that natural light has a positive effect on mood, energy levels, and sleep.

Greater Transparency

Open plan offices can create a more transparent working environment, which can help reduce mistrust and encourage a stronger sense of teamwork. With everyone working in the same space, employees can easily see what their colleagues are doing, which can help reduce duplication of work and office refits increase accountability.

Is an Open Plan Office Right for You?

Although the benefits of open plan offices are compelling, they are not the right pick for every business. Here are a few potential downsides that businesses should consider before deciding on an open plan office:

Lack of Privacy

Open plan offices lack privacy, which can be a problem in certain industries, such as finance or law, where confidentiality is essential. Also, some employees may feel uncomfortable when working in a space with no walls for personal space.


With more interaction and communication, there is also the potential for more noise and distractions. This can be frustrating for employees who need more concentration to work on complex tasks. Headphones can provide some relief, but they can interfere with open communication, which can defeat the purpose of an open plan office.

Potential Security Risks

Open plan offices can lead to potential security risks, as everyone in the building has access to the same space. Depending on your business, this may be a concern, especially if sensitive information or equipment is at risk.

In conclusion, whether an open plan office is the right fit for your office refit depends on several factors, such as the nature of work, office culture, and employee´s preferences. While open plan offices can offer several benefits, there are also potential downsides to consider. Make sure to weigh the pros and cons, and consult with your employees to understand their needs and preferences, before making any changes to your office layout.